Jonathan Sterling, Developer in Dubai, United Arab Emirates
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Jonathan Sterling

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Full-stack Developer

Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Toptal Member Since
May 2, 2017

Jonathan is a software engineer with over a decade of commercial experience. 他目前是一家价值数十亿美元的全球企业集团的技术和产品主管,并担任集团首席技术官. Jonathan holds board positions at an HFT company and a B2B SaaS company, 他与人共同创立了这家公司,并在将日常责任完全移交给员工之前实现了盈利.


A Global Tech Company
Amazon Web Services (AWS), SQL, Oracle, Vue, Spring Boot, Java
A Global B2B SaaS Company
React, Spring Boot, Java
An HFT Company
Blockchain, FIX Protocol, WebSockets, REST, PostgreSQL...




Preferred Environment

Sublime Text 3, Slack, Git, IntelliJ IDEA, Ubuntu

The most amazing...

...was being the group CTO, building a new team, and stabilizing the core product, doubling the annual revenue to $1+ billion within six months.

Work Experience


2019 - PRESENT
A Global Tech Company
  • 稳定并增加了产品供应,产品供应的国家数量增加了一倍, doubling revenues to >$1B within 6 months.
  • Oversaw the company's technology and product departments, managing a team of directors, and hundreds of employees.
  • Hired 60+ employees across half-a-dozen countries.
  • Integrated with numerous third-party payment providers, SMS providers, data feeds, and analytics tools.
  • Enforced best practices for all of the company's security concerns.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), SQL, Oracle, Vue, Spring Boot, Java

Co-founder | Board Member

2019 - PRESENT
A Global B2B SaaS Company
  • Wrote the entire back-end codebase from scratch.
  • Managed a team of developers to create an MVP.
  • Directed the product decisions.
  • Hired world-class talent to take over day-to-day work.
  • Closed B2B sales in global markets.
Technologies: React, Spring Boot, Java

Co-founder | CTO

2018 - PRESENT
An HFT Company
  • 我和我的联合创始人在不到六个月的时间里从无到有建立了一家盈利超过100万美元的公司.
  • Ensured the orderly running of the company's technology.
  • Participated in high-level business strategy discussions.
  • Managed teams of software developers and operations staff.
  • Traveled to conferences around the world to represent the company, closing numerous 6-digit and 7-digit B2B deals.
  • Managed client relationships.
Technologies: Blockchain, FIX Protocol, WebSockets, REST, PostgreSQL, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Pandas, Python

Senior Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
An HFT Company
  • 管理一个由四名开发人员组成的团队——确保在截止日期前完成业务优先级.
  • 为加密货币市场开发高频交易(HFT)解决方案(主要使用Java 8).
  • 为新颖/尖端的金融工具创建自定义交易算法.
  • 与各种加密货币交易所的api集成,以执行算法交易.
  • Implemented advanced, cross-exchange arbitrage systems.
Technologies: Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, Node.js, FIX Protocol, Java

Freelance Software Engineer

2017 - 2018
JS Software Solutions, Ltd.
  • Developed full-stack web applications for clients with various technologies; including Java (Spring Boot) and JavaScript (Node.js and React).
  • 配置和管理高流量的环境和部署管道, load-balanced, autoscaling websites, and APIs; primarily with AWS and Jenkins.
  • 向初创公司咨询架构以及如何使用敏捷最佳实践实现健壮的软件开发生命周期.
  • 创建各种网站和移动应用程序,创造被动收入,同时学习新技术和编程范例.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Android, React, Node.js, Java

Java Developer

2017 - 2017
William Hill
  • 开发Java (Spring) web应用程序,用于数千家William Hill商店的博彩终端.
  • Modified and debugged Node.js and React codebases.
  • Utilized TDD, pair programming, continuous integration (CI), and other best practices in an Agile work environment.
  • 配置相互通信的微服务来解耦责任并允许水平扩展.
  • Integrated with various external services including OpenBet and BetFair.
Technologies: React, Node.js, Spring, Java

Java Developer

2016 - 2017
  • 利用Java Spring框架开发web应用程序和api,这些应用程序和api每天被点击数百万次.
  • 使用Amazon Web服务(EB、EC2、RDS、S3等)部署软件和管理环境.
  • Experimented in a wide range of languages including Node.js, React, and AngularJS.
  • Maintained and contributed to internal open source projects.
  • Promoted continuous integration (CI), continuous delivery (CD), test-driven development (TDD), pair programming, code reviews, and general best practices in an Agile environment.
  • 管理数百万客户使用的软件的整个生命周期——从需求捕获和评估到长期维护和支持.
Technologies: Jenkins, Amazon Web Services (AWS), React, Node.js, Spring, Java

Software Developer

2014 - 2015
Jagex Games Studio
  • Designed, developed, modified, tested, 并部署了数百万用户使用的Spring MVC和Spring Boot Java web应用程序. 例子包括定制账户管理系统和玩家统计系统.
  • Deployed remotely game server builds via a Unix terminal.
  • 分析和修改Bash和Python脚本,用于部署和维护任务.
  • Developed PHP plugins for websites.
  • 创建了实现Page Object设计模式的自动化Selenium回归测试.
  • Utilized agile/scrum, Annotations, Generics, Git VCS, HTML, HTTP servlets and containers, Java EE, JBoss, JDBC, JSON, JUnit, OOA/D, Maven, REST, SQL, Subversion (SVN) VCS, and Unix/Bash scripting.
Technologies: Amazon Web Services (AWS), Selenium, PHP, Python, Bash, WordPress, Jenkins, AngularJS, Java, Spring

Mobile Application Developer

2013 - 2014
Apps4Industry, Ltd.
  • Developed bespoke iOS and Android apps for SMEs.
  • Created and managed the company's website.
  • Produced marketing material, e.g., videos, ads, and so on.
  • Converted wireframes to fully operational applications.
  • Gathered requirements from customers.
Technologies: CSS, HTML, Objective-C, Java


2012 - 2013
First Class Creative, Ltd.
  • Developed WordPress websites for clients around the world.
  • 中小型企业管理服务器(Apache/Nginx配置,DNS设置,SFTP创建等).
  • Created desktop applications for letting agencies.
  • 管理学生相关业务的社交媒体(酒吧、俱乐部、学生转租等).
Technologies: WordPress, CSS, HTML, Apache, NGINX, Spring, Java

Web Developer

2008 - 2012
  • Deployed websites for SMEs.
  • Managed web servers.
  • Designed web pages.
  • Modified legacy websites.
  • Advised SMEs on technology choices and hosting solutions.
Technologies: JavaScript, CSS, HTML


AlgBet是《欧博体育app下载》的一个算法博彩平台. I developed it using Spring Boot, basic HTML, and CSS. 后端由两个微服务组成——一个用于从不同的网站抓取数据, and another for parsing that data into meaningful team ratings. The back-end services and front-end were deployed on AWS, 尽管在Valve禁止将其api用于博彩软件后,该网站关闭了.

Block N Load

在Jagex Games Studio,我与4名开发者一起制作了《欧博体育app下载》.com. 它是WordPress、AngularJS和一些后端Spring Boot服务的混合体. Block N Load游戏客户端和服务器也使用相同的后端服务. 我自己开发后端服务,并偶尔帮助开发前端服务. 我还负责后端服务的部署管道, as well as the Block N Load game servers.

Sky Pages
At Sky, 我是内部Sky Pages平台的核心贡献者,该平台包含了Sky上的大多数web应用程序.com. 我负责提高平台的速度、可靠性和可维护性. 我还审查了其他开发人员的代码,并帮助我的同事将他们的代码与平台集成. After working on the project for one month, I saved Sky an estimated $100,通过使用WebDriver和Karma将大型Ruby集成测试套件转换为JavaScript,节省了000美元/年的开发时间.

US Elections API

At Sky, 我是一个系统的首席后端开发人员,该系统用于输入美国大选数据,并将其发送给天空新闻国际直播. 后端API也被天空新闻网站和天空Q机顶盒使用. 该服务托管在AWS上,我设置了所有的环境和部署管道. The service is written in Java (Spring) and utilizes a PostgreSQL database.

League Reporting

我为哈德斯菲尔德的足球裁判和联赛官员开发了一个联赛报告web应用程序. Referees send in reports regarding teams' spectators, assistants, changing facilities, and more after each game, and the application generates stats for league officials. The link is to a replicated version with mock data. You can login to test the system with the email "" and the password "tester".


Java, JavaScript, Python, Bash, Objective-C, SQL, Bash Script, HTML, CSS, PHP


Spring Boot, Mockito, JUnit, Spring JDBC, Spring ORM, Hibernate, Selenium, Redux, Spring, AngularJS


REST API, JMS, WebDriver, Spring REST, Stripe, Stripe API, Selenium WebDriver, React, Node.js, Pandas, Vue, React Router, React Redux


REST, Agile, Continuous Integration (CI), Service-oriented Architecture (SOA), Continuous Deployment, Microservices, Scrum, Kanban


Amazon Web Services (AWS), Nexus, Ubuntu, Linux, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EC2, WordPress, Blockchain, Oracle, Android, JBoss


Gradle, Apache Tomcat, Git, Amazon CloudWatch, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Apache Maven, Jenkins, IntelliJ IDEA, Slack, Sublime Text 3, Karma, Webpack, Babel, Webpack 2, NGINX, Vagrant, Apache


MySQL, Spring Data, PostgreSQL, Amazon S3 (AWS S3), MongoDB


Full-stack, Single-page Applications (SPA), Selenium Page Object, Cryptocurrency, WebSockets, Ajax, Cloud Foundry, Cloudflare, FIX Protocol

2012 - 2016

Bachelor of Science Degree with Honors in Computing Science

Huddersfield University - Huddersfield, UK


Blockchain Specialization


Collaboration That Works

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