Dmitriy Kononov, Developer in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
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Dmitriy Kononov

Verified Expert  in Engineering

Cloud Services Developer

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
Toptal Member Since
May 31, 2018

Dmitriy是一名软件开发人员,也是有用的DevOps实践和工具(包括CI/CD)的热心推动者, infrastructure management bots, Terraform, Kubernetes, and more. 他专注于基础设施成本降低和大容量实例管理, 而且他在每个项目上都按时完成了自己的承诺, from simple automation tasks to complex Go-based projects.


Meta® Data Systems (via Toptal)
Ruby on Rails (RoR), Ruby, Amazon Web Services (AWS)
HashiCorp, Prometheus, Ansible, Triton Compute, Rackspace, Cloud Platforms...




Preferred Environment

JetBrains, Bash, Git, MacOS

The most amazing...

...thing I've created was an awesome chatbot called Bender, based on Hubot, which makes any operation in a Slack channel interactive.

Work Experience

Freelance DevOps Engineer

2018 - 2018
Meta® Data Systems (via Toptal)
  • 创建一个Lambda函数,将视频文件从S3推送到具有特定配置文件的MediaConvert.
  • Built a proof of concept (POC) with Ruby On Rails; the web app allows the user to (directly) upload a video file to S3 (with using multipart uploading) or select an uploaded video file from the bucket, upload subtitles, poster, input audio streams and other fields, and then push the job to MediaConvert. 当任务完成时,MediaConvert将通过触发webhook来通知web应用程序. 然后,web应用程序允许用户播放处理后的视频文件并选择协议(HLS), DASH), audio stream, or subtitle.
技术:Ruby on Rails (RoR)、Ruby、Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Freelance DevOps Engineer

2018 - 2018
SAF Platform (via Toptal)
  • 将整个基础设施从Elastic Beanstalk迁移到ECS,并处理了清理工作.
  • 为分离环境的CI管道配置了CircleCI.
  • Built production Docker images for ECS.
  • Created an awesome chatbot for deploying services, executing tasks, 并从指定的GitHub分支创建一个隔离的环境.
Technologies: Node.js, ECS


2015 - 2018
  • 使用AWS ECS、GitHub和CircleCI构建了一个良好的持续集成平台.
  • Developed an awesome chatbot for operations, based on Hubot, that connects with Slack; used Node.js and Golang.
  • 实施多项基础设施成本削减措施,将基础设施成本降低了50%.
  • Created an on-premise solution for all's services using Terraform and AWS services.
  • 使用聊天机器人和自动化脚本来改善DevOps和支持团队的工作流程.
Technologies: HashiCorp, Prometheus, Ansible, Triton Compute, Rackspace, Cloud Platforms, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Web Developer

2014 - 2015
  • Created and supported client libraries for the's services; used Java, Node.js, and PHP.
  • 使用RoR和CoffeeScript为用户界面实现了一些不错的特性.
  • 使用RoR开发了与Azure市场的集成, CoffeeScript, and Nginx as a proxy for validating a certificate.
Technologies: CoffeeScript, PHP, Python, Node.js, Java, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Freelance Mobile/Web Developer

2013 - 2014
Freelance Work
  • Developed an Android application for a local market (Bereket-automation) using 1c as the back-end API; built up front-end using RoR and LeafletJS for the front-end and GeoServer and PostGIS for the back-end.
  • Created and supported a web application for agriculture monitoring; used RoR and Highcharts.
  • Built a cartographical web application; developed the front-end (RoR and LeafletJS) and the back-end (GeoServer and PostGIS) for user layers.
  • Implemented Mapnik, for the cartographical web app, 以生成用于数据搜索的基础层和Mominatim.
技术:Nominatim,传单,PostGIS, GeoServer, Android, MySQL, Ruby on Rails (RoR)


2012 - 2013
Oymo Studio
  • Created a web application with an API for taxi services; used RoR as the server and Android application as the client for the driver and customer.
  • 使用Vuforia平台和3ds Max模型为Android构建AR移动应用程序.
  • 为使用RoR进行的代表选举开发一个网上辩论网页应用程序, Wowza, FFmpeg, and JavaScript.
  • 使用Gemu为多个项目将服务器划分为多个虚拟机.
Technologies: Flash, Android, Ruby on Rails (RoR)

Mobile/Web Developer

2012 - 2012
  • 为Dolphin框架开发了Chrome, Firefox和Safari的一些插件.
  • Supported and fixed several Android and iOS application.
Technologies: JavaScript, iOS, Android

Operations Manager

2011 - 2012
  • Created the initial infrastructure for the whole service.
Technologies: Unicast

Quality Assurance Engineer

2011 - 2012
  • 作为质量保证团队成员,通过为web应用程序创建自动化测试,为中国市场项目的社交网络引擎做出贡献.
  • Wrote automated QA tests for the "voter list" desktop application; dealt with the president election of Kyrgyz republic.
Technologies: Automated Testing, Selenium

Awesome Broadcasting Service

Work Done:
•为我居住的国家建立了最好的在线广播服务之一. The service uses Unicast and Multicast broadcasting.
• Developed an Android application for mobile phones and TV.

DevOps at

Work Done:
• Built the awesome infrastructure for's services.
• Managed 150 instances at that service.
•为关键服务构建Docker容器,并基于GitHub构建持续集成, CircleCI, and AWS ECS.
•开发了一个很棒的聊天机器人,可以为铁做几乎所有的事情.io's services.
• Built an on-premise solution for the's services based on Terraform and AWS services.

Cartographic Service

Work Done:
•构建前端(Ruby on Rails和LeafletJS)以及插件.
• Implemented Mapnik as the rendering base layer for the map.


JavaScript, Bash, Ruby, Go, PHP 5, Java 8, Java, PHP, CoffeeScript, Python


Ruby on Rails, Angular, Selenium, Spring Boot, Laravel


Jira, Docker Hub, GitHub, Git, Helm, Jenkins, Docker Compose, Ansible, JetBrains, Flash, Unicast, HashiCorp, Chef


Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Deployment, DevOps, Test-driven Development (TDD), Agile, Automated Testing


Android, Amazon Web Services (AWS), CoreOS, Ubuntu, Docker, Kubernetes, Android TV, CentOS, Rackspace Cloud, JavaFX, MacOS, iOS, Rackspace, Triton Compute


谷歌云,MySQL, Azure云服务,GeoServer, PostGIS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB


广播设计、云服务、Ruby Gems、提名、云平台、普罗米修斯、ECS


Node.js, FFmpeg, Leaflet

2006 - 2011

Master's Degree in Computer Science

Kyrgyz Technical University - Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

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